It has been announced by Todd Gillen on the EEF website that the next
conference on Deir el-Medina will be held at the University of Liège (Place du 20-Août 7, B-4000 Liège)
from the 27th to the 29th of October 2014 after the last meeting took place in 2009 in Helsinki.
While any topic related to Deir el-Medina (from the New Kingdom until the Coptic period) will be welcomed,
the organisers would like to emphasize especially the following dimension:
Deir el-Medina and the Theban Necropolis in Contact: Describing the interactions within and
outside the community of workmen.
This title is meant to highlight the special status of Deir el-Medina in Egypt with respect to the transfer
of knowledge to and from this site. The transfer ‘in’ is easily detectable by artefacts and practices
known from other sites, but still, how this transfer took place is not yet described in detail. The transfer
‘out’ causes even more problems and has not been analysed as such – even though we know that such
transfers must have taken place. Besides the transfer of knowledge, specific knowledge developed within
the community itself: these local practices are also at the heart of what the contributors should focus on
in the framework of this conference.
The following scholars have accepted to give a lecture as invited speakers:
G. Andreu, L. Bavay, A. Boud’hors, K. Cooney, R. Demarée,
H.-W. Fischer-Elfert, A. Gasse, C. Gobeil, P. Grandet,
F. Hagen, B. Haring, B. Mathieu, J. Toivari-Viitala,
P. Vernus, J. Winand.
Types of presentation
1) Invited speakers (30 min. + 15 min. discussion)
2) Oral presentation (20 min. + 10 min. discusion)
3) Poster presentation
Conference languages
– The preferred language is English, but papers will also be accepted in French and German.
– There will be a small charge of EUR 25 for general participants.
– We intend to publish a peer-reviewed volume of proceedings in the series Aegyptiaca Leodiensia.
Organising committee
– Andreas Dorn (ULg) & Stéphane Polis (F.N.S.-FNRS) with the institutional support of Laurent Bavay
(ULB) & Jean Winand (ULg)
– Please send your abstract to [email protected] and indicate the type of presentation (full, short,
poster) for which you will submit a contribution. Abstracts should not be more than one page in length,
including references. They will be peer-reviewed.
– Deadline for submission is 20th May 2014.
– Notification of acceptance by the 30th June 2014.